Good behavior is the name of a person's loving demeanor or polite attitude towards peoples in daily life. A person can win the heart of anyone whether, he is a knower or a stranger.There is no cost to get it,It is a totally free tool although, there is some rules to keep in mind to get better results:
⦁ Try to understand the other person's perspective and see things from people's angle as well as your own!
⦁ Praise the virtues of people!
⦁ If you want to get Honey, do not fight with bees!

#1. Try to get the other person's perspective and see things from people's angle as well as your own:-

Famous Psychologist DALE CARNEGIE states in his book:
" I use to go fishing every summer. Personally I like strawberry and cream, but I also know for some reason, fishes like wormish. So when I go for fishing, I don't think about what I like, I think about what the fish like.So I don't place strawberries and cream in the fish-hook but I throw some wormishes to the fish.Hence they get caught in the fish net."
So when want to control people,we should do so with same wisdom which DALE CARNEGIE uses.There is no doubt that everyone cherishes their purpose/wish,but remember no one else care about your choices/wishes,they just love their needs.So the only way to impress peoples is to mention their needs and make way for it to be completed.
Before taking any kind of work /help from a person,develop/create a true desire for that work in him.Before you take work from,stop and think about how can I develop a true desire to work in it? This idea will certainly save us from having to go out to meet peoples and crying out for our needs.HENRY FORD's statement about human relations should be written in golden words:
"If there is any secret to success,it is just to try to understand people's perspective and see things from both the people's perspective and from own point of view." Very well, I wanna repeat these golden words:
"If there is any secret to success,it is just to try to understand people's perspective and see things from both the people's perspective and from own point of view."

On the other hand,if we show anger,fighting and condescension as it is human nature,instead of being polite and showing good behavior(Husn-e-Slook) and meekness,it will arouse the opposition in the people instead of cooperative.
There are thousands of salesmen in the market these days,tired and discouraged.Why? That is because of they want to sell their goods without getting customer's point of view.The salesmen may not know you and I would buy something if we needed it.The customers always wish to buy but, not to be sold.
If you only get throughout the whole article that 'You always have to think from the the other's point of view' this can be the milestone of your SUCCESS.Many gentlemen graduate from the universities, learn how to read VIRGIL's writings,how to handle complex problems but, they don't even know how to control mind which is important than any other thing. WILLIAM WINTER once said:
"Self-Expression is the dominant necessity of human nature."

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Then why I and you use the same philosophy in daily life matters.? If there is something wonderful in our minds,instead of making the others feel that's my idea,why we don't give them a chance to adopt this idea of ourselves.?There is probability that may be they follow this idea and succeeded by following it.In the end, Remember! "Develop a true desire in people to work.whoever follow this principle,may be he conquer the world,"
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You have write it superbly!
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